The Summer Time vol.11 Compilation!
14 juillet 2021 Paul Oklestein

So French Records team presents his brand new compilation, the legendary Summer Time!!♥
This summer, we celebrate the 11th volume, another time brillant, with many new awesome songs and artists!
From House to french touch, from electro to french house, this new compilation is a reference for clubbing!
Celebrating the Winners of the Summer Track compilation like Renard, FakeFunk, Diar Storm, Dj Rendo, Hymne, Sarasua, Painted Foxes, Nerik and So French artists and guests as Mike 303 from Superfunk, Mac Stanton, Neptune Safari, Butyreux, Lost Boy 1984, Acidulé, Dark Shrimp, Hey Tu!, Mr. Nycto and Chronic Mncher!
Listen here the awesome Summer Time compilation!
AWESOME LP-New Mac Stanton Album! Order CD here!
12 février 2020 Paul Oklestein

After two amazing albums, « A Nos Amours » and « L’Odyssée » , Mac Stanton returns with a brillant new opus intitled « Awesome » !
The album will be out the 28 of february on So French Records, digital format and CDs limited edition!
Dance with me the remixes ep! Out now on So French Records!
22 décembre 2017 Paul Oklestein
Dance with me the remixes ep is out now! (suite…)
So French Records Presents Discode Remixes ep
23 octobre 2017 Paul Oklestein

So French Records presents Discode Remixes ep! (suite…)
Discode Ep by Olowex
27 juin 2017 Paul Oklestein

So French Records presents Discode Ep by french phenomenon music band Olowex!
The 16th of june was launched an electro anthem that will blow all dancefloor this summer! (suite…)
L’Odyssée Vol.1 Lp by Mac Stanton
1 juin 2017 Paul Oklestein

It’s been a while that we wait for that moment!
At last Mac Stanton‘ new album is out! L’Odyssée Vol.1 was launched friday the 26th of may on So French Records!
Dealers De Funk Presents What Da Funk Ep
31 mars 2017 Paul Oklestein

Today is a special day, So French Records launches his official 67th releases, « What Da Funk Ep » by legendary french music band formed in 1998, « Dealers De Funk » … (suite…)
So French Records Presents What Da Funk Ep Video Teaser by Dealers De Funk
17 mars 2017 Paul Oklestein

Spring is there, and we are proud to introduce you the official video teaser of next So French Release, « What Da Funk » from the legendary french music band, « Dealers De Funk » ! (suite…)