Recent posts: Album
AWESOME LP-New Mac Stanton Album! Order CD here!
12 février 2020 Paul Oklestein

After two amazing albums, « A Nos Amours » and « L’Odyssée » , Mac Stanton returns with a brillant new opus intitled « Awesome » !
The album will be out the 28 of february on So French Records, digital format and CDs limited edition!
L’Odyssée Vol.1 Lp by Mac Stanton
1 juin 2017 Paul Oklestein

It’s been a while that we wait for that moment!
At last Mac Stanton‘ new album is out! L’Odyssée Vol.1 was launched friday the 26th of may on So French Records!
Adrian Wreck Debut Lp: « Wave Cloud »
1 décembre 2016 Paul Oklestein

It’s been a while we was waiting for that special instant! After releasing 5 brillant Eps on So French Records , Adrian Wreck So French talent launches his amazing debut album, intitled « Wave Cloud » … (suite…)
Matthew Bauer Presents Demons Lp
30 octobre 2015 Paul Oklestein

Where as Halloween day is about to kick off, So French Records is proud to launch the Halloween’ eve, the amazing brand new album ‘Night Demons‘ of one his new talented recruit from Los Angeles, ‘Matthew Bauer‘!
So French Records Presents Skull’s Empire Lp by Moosak
19 mai 2015 Paul Oklestein

We are proud today to announce the launch of the most expected So French release of the year!
A few days ago we revealed you the amazing teaser of ‘Skull’s Empire‘ from Phenomenon So French new recruit ‘Moosak‘, back on the Legend ‘Moosak‘… (suite…)