Recent posts: winter time vol.1

So French Records Presents The Winter Time Vol.2 Compilation [Track Competition]

30 décembre 2014

So French Records Presents The Winter Time Vol.2 Compilation [Track Competition]

Snowboard time!!! The Winter Time from So French Records, initiated last year, is back in your mp3 players this winter, while hitting the slopes.
After a hot summer, with many releases and the So French Records 6th birthday at the Nouveau Casino in Paris, the So French Team is back in the center stage with the next Winter Time compilation which has been successful last year.

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The Winter Time Vol.1 Compilation

31 janvier 2014

The Winter Time Vol.1 Compilation

Surf, Music & Fun!Three words to sum up a new fresh project which announced exciting things for this winter!
After a hot summer rich in crazy sounds through a successfull third volume of the « Summer Time Compilation », the So French Team returns with a new unexpected project for this winter!In order to warm this winter by launching an exclusive « Winter Time » Compilation!

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